Breaking Free from the Grind

Ep #85 - Why You Don't Need to be an Expert at Work

Amelia Noël Season 3 Episode 10

Expertise and experience aren't the secret(s) to creating sustainable success and immense value in your career.  And when we do think we need to be the best, the most informed or the most tenured on the team, we unknowingly hold ourselves back professionally...or burn ourselves out.

Tune in to this week's' BFG episode, where I'm diving in to discuss why you DON'T need to be an expert at work to create sustainable success and immense value in your career  - and what you DO need to focus on instead. 

BFG - ENROLL NOW:  Stop overworking and create sustainable success in your career TODAY.  Schedule a free consult here to find out how to get started in my Breaking Free from the Grind 1:1 coaching program.

FOLLOW FOR MORE: For more BFG tools, tips & strategies to help you work less & stress less in your career, follow me on IG (@breakingfreefromthegrind) or LinkedIn (Amelia Noel). Or, check learn more about all things BFG at